Friday, April 27, 2007

Planting- Day One

Well, it took about 2 hours, but my mom and I cleared about a third of the area that is going to become the butterfly garden and planted 5 plants yesterday. We planted some parsley which is an herb that the butterfly larvae need, one of my Elijia Blue Fescue plants (the bluish grass type plant), two of three moonbeam coreopsis and my butterfly bush, which I have the close-up shot of. We had to give the butterfly bush a circle with diameter 4 feet with no plants around it, because it will (hopefully) be getting bigger. Even though the rest of the bed still has grass and weeds on it, the garden looks like it is starting to take shape, and we even placed some pretty rocks from the area. The hardest part was digging up the weeds and vines, putting down some garden soil and trying to mix it all and level it out somewhat. We also found a lot of grubs, and tried to eliminate as many as we could. Can't use pesticides in a butterfly garden! There is still a lot to be done, and many plants left to plant, but so far so good! Would love comments/suggestions!

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