Saturday, April 14, 2007

Baby food blues

Today I tried to feed Jonathan part of a real banana... as in, not the kind that comes out of a
baby food jar. It was bad. I mean, he was gagging, coughing, turning bright red and generally making a "you expect me to it this stuff??" face. I don't know, I figured since he had already been "introduced" to bananas, a real mashed up one wouldn't be so different. Apparently, I was mistaken. So, my question is, what do they put in those baby food jars that makes bananas taste like, well, not bananas? My only thought is to next time only give him a tiny bit of banana and a lot of cereal and formula. This picture is actually from the other day, when he was eating regular baby food... you can see, he thinks he can handle this eating stuff all by himself! He certainly loves holding his spoon!

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