Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day Care- day 1

Jonathan's first day of daycare was today. I guess he did pretty well. The teachers said that he only cried once, when another little boy, who was also new, started to cry. Poor things!! : ( He was fine the rest of the day though, and one of the teachers even noticed that he likes music, so he must have been dancing or singing! He is still getting used to the kids and the teachers, I'm sure, but it seemed like he did a lot better than I did today. I kept looking at the clock and wondering what he was doing, and whether or not he was crying and/or throwing a fit. He ate breakfast and lunch and took a nap in the morning for about an hour. He slept on the way home in the car- I think he was exhausted! And we had to let him take another nap around 6 because he just wasn't going to make it to bedtime.

For those of you keeping track- he has 5 teeth (going on 6) and is now standing up (occasionally) by himself. He has taken about two steps before falling or holding on to something, but he gets really excited when he stands and starts trying to jump, which he really isn't ready for!!

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